The autoimage package makes it easy to plot a sequence of images with corresponding color scales, i.e., a sequence of heatmaps, with straightforward, native options for projection of geographical coordinates. The package makes it simple to add lines, points, and other features to the images, even when the coordinates are projected. The package allows for seamless creation of heat maps for data on regular or irregular grids, as well as data that is not on a grid.
The most important functions in autoimage are the
and autoimage
functions. We illustrate
the basic usage of these functions using two data sets: the first is
data on an irregular grid and the second is non-gridded data.
The first data set we utilize comes from the North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP, Specifically, the data
are the maximum daily surface air temperature (K) (abbreviated tasmax)
for the five consecutive days of May 15, 2041 to May 19, 2041 simulated
using the Canadian Regional Climate Model (Caya and Laprise, 1999)
forced by the Community Climate System Model atmosphere-ocean general
circular model (Collins et al., 2006). The data set contains
, a 140 × 115 matrix of
longitude coordinates, lat
, a 140 × 115 matrix of latitude coordinates, and
, a 140 × 115 × 5 array, where each element of the third
dimension of the array corresponds to the tasmax
measurements of the respective day.
The second data set we utilize is geochemical measurements obtained
by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in the state of Colorado.
The data are stored as a data frame with 960 rows and 31 columns.
, northing
, latitude
, and
variables are provided in the data frame, as well
as Aluminum (Al
), Calcium (Ca
), Iron
), and many more chemical measurements.
The autoimage
function is a generalization of the
function, so we discuss the pimage
function first.
The most important arguments of the pimage
function are
, y
, and z
. x
are the coordinate locations and z
is the
responses associated with the coordinates.
We create a basic image plot by providing x
, and z
to the pimage
, y
, and z
can have differing
formats depending on the type of data. If the data are observed
on a regular grid, then z
will be matrix with
dimensions matching the dimensions of the grid and x
will be vectors of increasing values that define the grid
lines. If the data are observed on an irregular grid
(e.g., a regular grid that is rotated or projected), then z
will be a matrix with dimensions matching the dimensions of the grid and
and y
will be matrices whose coordinates
specify the x and y coordinates of each value in z
. If the
data are not on a grid, then x
and y
will be
vectors specifying the coordinate locations, and z
will be
the vector of responses at each coordinate. If the data are not on a
grid, then multilevel B-splines are used to automatically predict the
response on a grid before plotting (using the
function in the MBA package).
We create a heat map using the non-gridded Aluminum measurements for the state of Colorado.
We now discuss the basic options of the pimage
The color scheme used for an image plot can be of great importance.
We use the Viridis
color palette from the
colorspace package by default. This approximates the
palette in the viridisLite
package. As stated in the viridis
function in the
viridisLite package, the color map is, “… designed in
such a way that [it] will analytically be perfectly
perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when converted to
black-and-white. [It is] also designed to be perceived by readers with
the most common form of color blindness.” The colors of the color scale
can be modified by passing a vector of colors to the col
argument through ...
, as in the image
in graphics. We use 6 colors from the
color palette in the colorspace
package in the next example.
The orientation of the color scale can be changed by changing the
argument. The default is
legend = "horizontal"
. The color scale can be removed by
specifying legend = "none"
or rotated to a vertical
orientation by specifying legend = "vertical"
The following code creates a heat map with a vertical color scale.
The longitude and latitude coordinates can be projected before
plotting by specifying the proj
, parameters
and orientation
arguments of pimage
. Prior to
plotting, the coordinates are projected using the
function in the mapproj
package. proj
specifies the name of the projection to
utilize (the default is "none"
). The
argument specifies the parameter values of the
chosen projection and orientation
can be used to change the
orientation of the projection. See the mapproject
in the mapproj package for more details regarding these
We now create a heat map with projected coordinates. We will utilize the Bonne projection using 45 degrees as the standard parallel. A grid is automatically added to projected images because latitude and longitude parallels are not straight for most projections.
Several maps can be automatically added to the image by specifying
the map
argument. The maps come from the
maps package, and include the world
, state
, county
, nz
(New Zealand), italy
, and world2
We add national boundaries to our previous map.
The last major argument to the pimage
function is the
argument. This argument controls the relative height
or width of the color scale in comparison with the main plotting area.
Increasing lratio
increases the thickness of the color
scale, while decreasing lratio
decreases the thickness of
the color scale.
Additional arguments can be passed to the pimage
function via ...
. These will be discussed at a later time
in this vignette.
The autoimage
function generalizes the
function to allow for multiple images in the same
plot. Most of the arguments are the same as the pimage
function, and we do not replicate their discussion except when
The structure of z
will vary slightly from the
function. Specifically, if multiple gridded images
are to be constructed, then z
will be a three-dimensional
array instead of a matrix. Each element of the third dimension of
corresponds to the matrix of gridded values for each
image. If images for multiple non-gridded variables are to be
constructed, then z
will be a matrix with each column
corresponding to a different variable.
Passing a three-dimensional array to autoimage
constructs a sequence of images with a common legend.
Passing a two-dimensional matrix for z
(where the number
of rows matches the length of x
and y
constructs a sequence of images for non-gridded data with a common
legend. Titles are added to each image using the main
argument by providing a character vector whose length matches the number
of plotted images.
autoimage(co$longitude, co$latitude, co[,c("Al", "Ca", "Fe", "K")],
main = c("(a) Aluminum %", "(b) Calcium %",
"(c) Iron %", "(d) Potassium %"),
xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
Separate color scales will be used for each image when
common.legend = FALSE
autoimage(co$longitude, co$latitude, co[,c("Al", "Ca", "Fe", "K")],
common.legend = FALSE,
main = c("(a) Aluminum %", "(b) Calcium %",
"(c) Iron %", "(d) Potassium %"),
xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
The dimensions of the plotting matrix can be changed by specifying
the size
argument. If not provided, then a sensible choice
is automatically chosen via the autosize
function. The
argument should be a two-dimensional vector where the
first element corresponds to the number of rows of images and the second
dimension corresponds to the number of columns.
We create a 1 × 3 matrix of images for the NARCCAP data.
A common title is sometimes desired for a sequence of images. This
can easily be added by specifying the outer.title
The margins of the common title can be controlled via the
argument of par
. However, if
is not specified beforehand, then a sensible value is
automatically chosen (while showing a warning to the user.)
We add a common title to the NARCCAP data.
## Warning in autolayout(size, legend = legend, common.legend = common.legend, : There is no room in the outer margin for an outer title.
## Setting par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0)).
The mercator projection can sometimes be problematic for various
reasons, especially with the world map as horizontal lines appear across
the plot area. We have attempted to solve this issue by clipping x and y
coordinates that are outside the range of xlim
autoimage(x = lon, y = lat, z = tasmax[,,1],
map = "world",
xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude",
proj = "mercator", axes = FALSE)
Suppose we want to add custom features to a sequences of images, with
each image receiving different features. One can create a richer
sequence of images using the autolayout
The autolayout
function partitions the graphic device
into the sections needed to create a sequence of images. The most
important function arguments include size
, common.legend
, and
, which correspond to the same arguments in the
function. The outer
specifies whether an outer.title
is desired. The default is
. By default, numbers identify the plotting order of
the sections, though these can be hidden by setting
show = FALSE
. As an initial example, we create a 2 × 3 grid of images with a common vertical
The images should be created using the pimage
while specifying legend = "none"
. After the desired image
or set of images is created, one can automatically add the appropriate
legend by calling autolegend
. The autolegend
function recovers relevant legend parameters from the most recent
call. Consequently, if a common legend is desired,
then it is important to specify a common zlim
among all relevant pimage
Various features can be added to the images using the
, plines
, ptext
, parrows
, and ppolygon
functions. These are analogues of the points
, text
, segments
, and polygon
functions in the
graphics package, to be used with images containing
projected coordinates.
We now create a complicated (though unrealistic) example of this. We
first extract the borders of Hawaii and Alaska from the
map in the maps package and store
it as the hiak
list. We then select a small subset of
cities in Colorado from the us.cities
dataset in the
maps package and store this in the codf
data frame. Lastly, we select the U.S. capitals from the
dataset and store this in the capdf
data frame.
# load world map
data(worldMapEnv, package = "maps")
# extract hawaii and alaskan borders
hiak <- maps::map("world", c("USA:Hawaii", "USA:Alaska"),
plot = FALSE)
# load us city information
data(us.cities, package = "maps")
# extract colorado cities from us.cities
codf <- us.cities[us.cities$country.etc == "CO", ]
# select smaller subset of colorado cities
# extract capitals from us.cities
capdf <- us.cities[us.cities$capital == 2,]
Having obtained the relevant information, we setup a 1 × 2 matrix of images with individual
horizontal legends and an area for a common title. We create an image
plot of NARCCAP data using the mercator projection and including grey
state borders. The borders of Hawaii and Alaska are added using the
function. The state capitals are added to the image
using the ppoints
function. The first image is then titled
using the title
function. The legend is then added using
the autolegend
function. Next, an image of the Colorado
Aluminum measurements is created. The coordinates are projected using
the Bonne projection, the color scheme is customized, grey county
borders are added to the plot, but the grid lines are removed. The
function is then used to add locations for several
Colorado cities to the image. The ptext
function is then
used to add the names of these cities to the image. The second image is
then titled using the title
function. The appropriate
legend is then added using the autolegend
function. Lastly,
a common title is added using the mtext
## Warning in autolayout(c(1, 2), legend = "h", common.legend = FALSE, outer = TRUE): There is no room in the outer margin for an outer title.
## Setting par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0)).
# create image of NARCCAP data.
# xlim is chosen so to include alaska and hawaii
# add grey state borders
pimage(lon, lat, tasmax[,,1], legend = "none", proj = "mercator",
map = "state", xlim = c(-180, 20),
lines.args = list(col = "grey"))
## Warning in paxes(xlim = c(-180, 20), ylim = c(20.5263919830322,
## 73.0147552490234: The x axis tick positions are not between -180 and 180, which
## creates problems with the mercator projection. Attempting to automatically
## correct the issue. The user may need to specify xaxp, or for more control, the
## xat argument of the paxes.args list.
# add hawaii and alaskan borders
plines(hiak, proj = "mercator", col = "grey")
# add state captials to image
ppoints(capdf$lon, capdf$lat, proj = "mercator", pch = 16)
# title image
title("tasmax for North America")
# add legend for plot
# load colorado geochemical data
data(co, package = "gear")
# create image for colorado aluminum measurements
# use bonne projection
# customize legend colors
# add grey county borders
# exclude grid
pimage(co$lon, co$lat, co$Al, map = "county", legend = "none",
proj = "bonne", parameters = 39,
paxes.args = list(grid = FALSE),
col = fields::tim.colors(64),
lines.args = list(col = "grey"),
xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
# add colorado city points to image
ppoints(codf$lon, codf$lat, pch = 16, proj = "bonne")
# add names of colorado cities to image
ptext(codf$lon, codf$lat, labels = codf$name, proj = "bonne", pos = 4)
# title plot
title("Colorado Aluminum levels (%)")
# add legend to current image
# add common title for plots
mtext("Two complicated maps", col = "purple", outer = TRUE, cex = 2)
functionsThe plots generated by the pimage
functions can be customized in numerous ways by
passing additional arguments through the ...
argument of
the functions. The customizations are mostly the same for both
functions, so we illustrate these customizations using the
function when possible for simplicity.
Lines or points can be added to each image by passing the
and points
arguments to the functions.
Each argument should be a named list with x
components specifying the coordinates to join (for
) or plot for points
. Note that if
multiple unconnected lines are to be drawn, then each line should be
separated by an NA
value, similar to how maps are
constructed in the maps package.
To illustrate usage of these arguments, we extract United States
state boundaries from the maps package and reformat the
dataset from the maps package.
Note that statepoly
is automatically a list with
and y
components, while this must be created
manually for the us.cities
data(stateMapEnv, package = "maps")
statepoly <- maps::map("state", plot = FALSE)
citylist <- list(x = us.cities$long, y = us.cities$lat)
We now add these state lines and city locations to the image.
The appearance of the lines and points can be customized by passing
the lines.args
and points.args
through ...
. Each argument should be a named list with
components matching the arguments of the lines
functions in the graphics
We change the appearance of the lines and points in the previous plot by specifying these arguments.
pimage(lon, lat, tasmax[,,1], lines = statepoly, points = citylist,
lines.args = list(lwd = 2, lty = 3, col = "white"),
points.args = list(pch = 20, col = "blue"))
Text can be added to each image by passing the text
argument through ...
. text
should be a named
list with components x
and y
, which specify
the locations to draw the text, and labels
, which specifies
the text to write at each location. The appearance of the text can be
customized by passing the text.args
should be a named list with components matching
the non-x
, y
, and labels
arguments of the text
function in the
graphics package.
We add the names and locations of two Colorado cities to the Colorado geochemical data.
citypoints = list(x = c(-104.98, -104.80), y = c(39.74, 38.85),
labels = c("Denver", "Colorado Springs"))
autoimage(co$lon, co$lat, co[,c("Al", "Ca")], common.legend = FALSE,
main = c("Aluminum", "Cadmium"),
points = citypoints,
points.args = list(pch = 20, col = "white"),
text = citypoints,
text.args = list(pos = 3, col = "white"),
xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
When projections are used, the grid lines do not always go as far as
they should. Thus, axis customization is desired. Additionally, the
appearance of the grid lines might need improving. The appears of the
axis (and the locations of the grid lines) can be changed by passing
through ...
. axis.args
should be a named list with components matching the arguments of the
function in graphics. The exception
is that xat
and yat
arguments are used instead
of at
so that ticks on the x and y axes can be specified
separately. The appearance of the grid lines can be changed by passing
the desired changes through the paxes.args
argument. This
is a named list with components matching the arguments in the
Consider the following poor graphic.
The grid lines do not extend nearly far enough. There are only two
tick marks on the y axis. The legend is too thin. We can add additional
longer grid lines by specifying xat
and yat
. We can also further change the appearance of the
axes via other components of axis.args
. We change the
appearance of the grid lines by specifying choices in
. We change the appearance of the legend by
specifying choices in legend.axis.args
. We change the
legend thickness by specifying lratio
pimage(lon, lat, tasmax[,,1], proj = "bonne", parameters = 40,
axis.args = list(yat = seq(-10, 70, by = 10),
xat = seq(-220, 20, by = 20),
col.axis = "darkgrey", cex.axis = 0.9),
paxes.args = list(col = "grey", lty = 2),
legend.axis.args = list(cex.axis = 0.9),
lratio = 0.3)
The breaks and colors of the scale can be modified by specifying the
and col
arguments, as in the
function in graphics. Additional
changes can be made by specifying legend.axis.args
, a named
list with components matching the arguments of the axis
function, which is used in creating the legend.
pimage(lon, lat, tasmax[,,1],
col = colorspace::sequential_hcl(6, palette = "Plasma"),
breaks = c(0, 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 325),
legend.axis.args = list(col.axis = "blue", las = 2, cex.axis = 0.75))
When non-gridded data are used, the settings for the gridded surface
approximation can be passed through ...
by specifying
, a named list with components matching the
arguments of the
function in
the MBA package. We project the Colorado Aluminum
measurements onto a finer grid in the following plot.
pimage(co$lon, co$lat, co$Al, interp.args = list(no.X = 100, no.Y = 100),
xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
The appearance of outer.title
can be modified by passing
through ...
should be a named list with components matching
the arguments of mtext
, which is the function used to
create the common title.
autoimage(lon, lat, tasmax, outer.title = "tasmax for 5 days",
mtext.args = list(col = "blue", cex = 2))
## Warning in autolayout(size, legend = legend, common.legend = common.legend, : There is no room in the outer margin for an outer title.
## Setting par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0)).
The various options of the labeling, axes, and legend are largely
independent. e.g., passing col.axis
will not affect the axis unless it is passed as part of
the named list axis.args
. However, one can set the various
options prior to plotting to simultaneously affect the
appearance of multiple aspects of the plot.
After plotting, reset.par
can be used to reset the graphics
device options to their default values. We provide an example below.
par(cex.axis = 0.5, cex.lab = 0.5, mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0),
mar = c(2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 0.2), col.axis = "orange",
col.main = "blue", family = "mono")
pimage(lon, lat, tasmax[,,1])
title("very customized plot")
Mearns, L.O., et al., 2007, updated 2012. The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program dataset, National Center for Atmospheric Research Earth System Grid data portal, Boulder, CO. Data downloaded 2016-08-12.
Mearns, L. O., W. J. Gutowski, R. Jones, L.-Y. Leung, S. McGinnis, A. M. B. Nunes, and Y. Qian: A regional climate change assessment program for North America. EOS, Vol. 90, No. 36, 8 September 2009, pp. 311-312.
D. Caya and R. Laprise. A semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian regional climate model: The Canadian RCM. Monthly Weather Review, 127(3):341–362, 1999.
M. Collins, B. B. Booth, G. R. Harris, J. M. Murphy, D. M. Sexton, and M. J. Webb. Towards quantifying uncertainty in transient climate change. Climate Dynamics, 27(2-3):127–147, 2006.