The autoimage package makes it easy to plot a sequence of images with corresponding color scales, i.e., a sequence of heatmaps, with straightforward, native options for projection of geographical coordinates. The package makes it simple to add lines, points, and other features to the images, even when the coordinates are projected. The package allows for seamless creation of heat maps for data on regular or irregular grids, as well as data that is not on a grid.
The well-known ggplot2 is a powerful and complete system for producing graphics in R. It can be used to produce many of the same heat maps as the autoimage package, particularly if additional packages are loaded.
In what follows, we look at how these packages can be used to produce various heat maps.
In what follows, we make use of data from the North American Regional
Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP, Specifically, the data
are the maximum daily surface air temperature (K) (abbreviated tasmax)
for the five consecutive days of May 15, 2041 to May 19, 2041 simulated
using the Canadian Regional Climate Model (Caya and Laprise, 1999)
forced by the Community Climate System Model atmosphere-ocean general
circular model (Collins et al., 2006). The data set contains
, a 140 × 115 matrix of
longitude coordinates, lat
, a 140 × 115 matrix of latitude coordinates, and
, a 140 × 115 × 5 array, where each element of the third
dimension of the array corresponds to the tasmax
measurements of the respective day.
We begin by creating a basic heat map using the two packages.
As a preliminary, we create a day vector related to the date of the temperatures.
dates <- c("May 15, 2041", "May 16, 2041", "May 17, 2041", "May 18, 2041", "May 19, 2041")
We produce a sequence of temperature heat maps using autoimage, labeling each image with the corresponding day.
To produce a similar plot using the ggplot2 package,
we must convert the data to a data frame, create a ggplot
object, add the tile geometry, and facet by day. However,
ggplot2 currently requires the data are on a regular
grid, which our data are not. If we attempt to create a heat map for a
small subset of the original data using ggplot2
, we obtain
the following result. Because the original data are on an irregular
grid, ggplot2
cannot (currently) render a heat map for the
df1 <- data.frame(lon = c(lon[65:75, 50:60]), lat = c(lat[65:75, 50:60]),
tasmax = c(tasmax[65:75, 50:60, 1]))
ggplot(df1, aes(x = lon, y = lat, z = tasmax, fill = tasmax)) + geom_tile()
Consequently, we load the inarccap
data, which is the
data interplated onto a regular 140 × 115 grid using the interp
function in the akima package.
We now convert the interpolated data to a data frame suitable for ggplot2.
igrid <- expand.grid(ilon, ilat)
df <- data.frame(lon = igrid[,1], lat = igrid[,2],
tasmax = c(itasmax),
day = rep(dates, each = 16100))
We are now able to create a sequence of heat maps using the
ggplot2 package. We will save the plotting structure as
for future use.
gg_heatmaps <- ggplot() +
geom_tile(aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = tasmax), data = df) +
facet_wrap(~ day)
To create a more user-friendly color palette, we use the
function in the
colorspace package and set
palette = "Viridis"
. The grey shading (associated with
values) can be removed by specifying
na.value = "transparent"
. We can remove the solid grey grid
background by using the theme_bw
function. Lastly, we
change the orientation and location of the color scale by setting the
argument of theme
. We update
with these new default color settings,
background, and legend location.
gg_heatmaps <- gg_heatmaps +
scale_fill_continuous_sequential("Viridis", na.value = "transparent") +
theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
The locations of data used to create heat maps are often measured in
longitude and latitude coordinates. In that case, it is often
appropriate to apply a projection to the coordinates before plotting.
Both autoimage and ggplot2 provide
native functionality for create heat maps for projected coordinates.
This is done by specifying the proj
arguments in the autoimage
for the autoimage package, or specifying the arguments
of the coord_map
function for ggplot2.
We demonstrate how to do this below by adding a specific Bonne projection to the previous examples.
Rendering the heat maps with a projection takes noticeably longer when using the ggplot2 package in comparison with the autoimage package, though exact timings depend on the user’s computer. For efficiency reasons, we do not execute the command below, though doing so would produce a heat map with projected coordinates using ggplot2.
It is sometimes helpful to add geographical features of interest to a heat map, e.g., provincial borders, city locations, etc. This can be done using either package.
Both packages have several geographic maps built into the software.
The autoimage package can automatically pull a map
directly from the maps by specifying the appropriate
name to the map
argument. ggplot2 has the
same maps, which can be accessed using the map_data
function. The map (specifically, the map boundaries) can then be added
to the heat map using the geom_path
function. If the map
borders extend beyond the range of observed data, then the x and y
limits must be provided to the ggplot
world_df <- map_data("world")
gg_heatmaps +
geom_path(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group), data = world_df) +
xlim(c(-160, -34)) + ylim(c(20.5, 73.1))
## Warning: Removed 2530 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_tile()`).
## Warning: Removed 410171 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_path()`).
Consider arbitrary maps available in a standard shapefile. The
and spTransform
functions in the
rgdal package can be used to read the shapefile and
convert it to a SpatialPolygon
object, which is used in the
sp package. The SpatialPolygons2map
function in the maps package can then be used to
convert the object into a format used by the maps
package. The autoimage package uses the same format for
its maps and lines. These objects must be converted to a data frame
before use with the ggplot2 package.
Consider the canada
data in the
autoimage package, which contains the provincial and
territorial boundaries for Canada. The data are already in the map
format utilized by the maps and
autoimage packages. We can convert this to a data frame
compatible with ggplot2 using the tidy
function in the broom package.
We now add the desired boundaries to the heat maps using each package.
Next, we consider adding points to existing heat maps. We plot a
subset of the us.cities
data found in the
maps package. The autoimage is
expecting the data frame to have components x
specifying the x
and y
coordinates of the locations, so we create a data frame with this
structure before plotting. The same data frame can be used by
caps <- maps::us.cities[maps::us.cities$capital == 2, ]
caps <- caps[c(1, 3, 5, 22, 27, 42), ]
cap_df <- data.frame(x = caps$lon, y = caps$lat, labels = caps$country.etc)
We now create the desired heat maps.
Sometimes there are reasons to construct heat maps with individual
color scales, e.g., when the data are on different scales such as heat
maps of predicted value versus standard error. This can be done natively
in autoimage, but requires loading the
gridExtra package for ggplot2. We
demonstrate this functionality by creating heat maps with individual
color scales for each day of the narccap
To create a sequence of images with individual color scales using the
autoimage package, one simply specifies
common.legend = FALSE
To obtain a similar result using ggplot2, we first
split the df
data frame into a list of data frames, with
each element of the list corresponding to the data for one of the days.
We then create heat maps of the data for each day, then combine them
into one plot using the grid.arrange
function in the
gridExtra package.
df_days = split(df, f = df$day)
p1 <- ggplot(df_days[[1]], aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = tasmax)) +
geom_tile() + labs(title = dates[1]) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p2 <- ggplot(df_days[[2]], aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = tasmax)) +
geom_tile() + labs(title = dates[2]) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p3 <- ggplot(df_days[[3]], aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = tasmax)) +
geom_tile() + labs(title = dates[3]) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p4 <- ggplot(df_days[[4]], aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = tasmax)) +
geom_tile() + labs(title = dates[4]) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p5 <- ggplot(df_days[[5]], aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = tasmax)) +
geom_tile() + labs(title = dates[5]) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
In this vignette, we have briefly compared the approaches for producing heat maps using the autoimage and ggplot2 packages. The packages have fairly similar capabilities for producing heat maps, though the style and steps to obtain the heat maps sometimes differ considerably. Additionally, the ggplot2 package can be noticeably slower when producing heat maps for projected coordinates.
Mearns, L.O., et al., 2007, updated 2012. The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program dataset, National Center for Atmospheric Research Earth System Grid data portal, Boulder, CO. Data downloaded 2016-08-12.
Mearns, L. O., W. J. Gutowski, R. Jones, L.-Y. Leung, S. McGinnis, A. M. B. Nunes, and Y. Qian: A regional climate change assessment program for North America. EOS, Vol. 90, No. 36, 8 September 2009, pp. 311-312.
D. Caya and R. Laprise. A semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian regional climate model: The Canadian RCM. Monthly Weather Review, 127(3):341–362, 1999.
M. Collins, B. B. Booth, G. R. Harris, J. M. Murphy, D. M. Sexton, and M. J. Webb. Towards quantifying uncertainty in transient climate change. Climate Dynamics, 27(2-3):127–147, 2006.